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论坛 | 欢迎来到第9届China Connect Paris

2019-03-11 来源:chinaconnect


如果客户体验是一全球营销趋势,这无疑是提供给中国消费者和让他们欣然接受的独特的方式。只有把服务/解决方案驱动的创新,低价和超音速物流交付整合在一个完美的生态系统中才能实现。再加上它赋予了乐观豁达、爱好旅行、生活富裕的消费者更强大的力量,对灵活、大胆的品牌来说,采用的可能性是巨大的。正如广告执行官Rene Chen所言:“没有什么是太疯狂、太不寻常或太怪异的。创造力应该是无限的。开启它。唯一的风格应该是无休止的变化”。

借助人工智能和数据,我们将解决如何吸引中国人的注意力和捕捉欲望所需要的东西,并在诱惑的世界里通过真实和虚拟体验来促建风格偏好。欢迎来到第9届China Connect Paris。

New retail is one of China’s most talked about industries when it comes to highlight the country’s technology innovation and uniqueness at scale. Its achievements and on-going forward-thinking concepts redefine experiential marketing as the West knew it. A land of opportunities embraced by the most daring and fast players, challenging the most established ones as China’s local brands’ rise is just here to stay. But many more businesses are concerned If customer experience is a global marketing trend, it certainly is one Chinese consumers are offered and adopting in a unique way. One that only a service/solution driven innovation, delivered at low price and supersonic speed, encapsulated in unparalleled ecosystems, allows. Add it empowered-optimistic-well-travelled – richer consumers, and adoption can be massive to the most agile and daring brands. Indeed, as ad exec Rene Chen says: “Nothing is too crazy, too unusual or freaky. Creativity should be boundless. Open it up. The only style is endless changing”.

We’ll tackle what it takes to capture, thanks to AI and data, the Chinese’s attention and desire, and generate preference and engagement through real and virtual experiences in a chaotic world. Welcome to China Connect Paris 9th edition!
